A few comments regarding this version: - You MUST read the SphereRevisions55R2.txt file to catch up with the changes. Feel free to post comments on the sphere forums regarding this, but please try not to report things already reported in previous threads, it generates a bit of entropy. - anti-speedhack measures are not implemented - stuff for the next version. - some errors that were probably not printing with .55i might show up. This doesn't necessarily mean things were working better on .55i, just that no errors were being shown. - A new keyword in sphere.ini (EXPERIMENTAL=...) controls wether some features/ fixes are actually activated. When you see mention to an EF_xxx flag, it goes into this keyword. Read the revisions file for more information. - it's now 2 weeks since the last revision, 3 weeks since we started working on this, hopefully it was worth it. Most of the apparent inactivity was due to a lot of work getting Sphere stable on Linux. As of this release, scripts will be released in a different ZIP file. It makes it easier to mantain and update, without the added traffic that downloading the scripts would mean for everyone who just needs the binary. They can be used by either the Linux or the Windows version. The files: SphereServer55R2-scripts.zip - scripts for any version SphereServer55R2-win32.zip - binary for windows, unpack into the same folder SphereServer55R2-rh73.zip - binary for linux, compiled on RedHat 7.3 (most tested) SphereServer55R2-Mdk8.0.zip - binary for linux, compiled on Mandrake 8.0 Right now, we'll wait a couple days for comments & feedback, and then proceed mainly into fixing bugs. Have fun.